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Samu Varjonen


Samu Varjonen received his M.Sc (2006) degree in Computer Science from the University of Helsinki, Finland. He is a PhD student at University of Helsinki. At the present he is working as a researcher in the Networking Research group at the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology focusing on the Host Identity Protocol and trustworthy communication in distributed systems. He is active in the IETF standardization work of Host Identity Protocol. He is an adjunct member of Future Internet Graduate School (FIGS) since 2010.


In the current Internet the IP-address is burdened with two roles. It serves as the identier and the locator for the host. As the host moves its identity changes with its locator. The research community thinks that the Future Internet will include an identier-locator split in some form. The identier-locator
split is seen as the solution to multiple problems. However, the identifier-locator split introduces multiple new problems.

In this thesis we concentrate on:

  • The feasibility of using identier-locator split with legacy application
    • Can this be done?
    • A paper is under work (data is gathered and in analysis).
    • Conclusion: it is possible with most applications.
  • Securing the resolution steps
    • A prototype was tested and analyzed
    • Paper was written and submitted
    • Conclusion: resolution can be secured but with a cost
    • Impact: the current HDRR spec for HIP
  • Using the persistent identities for access control
    • Made experiments with HIP for Linux
    • A workshop paper has been submitted
    • Conclusion: Before accepting an incoming connection the user can be informed better by using one-hop trust paths based on the persistent host identities
    • Impact: the current CERT spec for HIP
  • Improving the mobility in multi-family environments
    • Extensive experiments, prototype
    • Published a conference paper on the topic (2009) and a journal paper on the topic is to appear in Journal of Communications Software and Systems, 2010
    • Conclusion: can be made as efficiently as intra-family handover
    • Impact: clarifications to the mobility specs of HIP
  • Stateless session resumption for resource constrained devices
    • A paper skeleton has been written with an idea
    • A prototype is currently under development
    • Literature survey of the recent advances in the field has to be done
    • Conclusion (tentative): it can be done, its feasible and seems to be usefull for handheld devices

Several other papers on similar topics lined up but not active at the moment.

Contact information

Computer Science Department, Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2b, Helsinki,  +358 9 191 51283, Room B232, e-mail